
At the computer

Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, that was a mistake. I accidentally published the blog before I added my photos. So here goes, let's see if I can add my photos without another goof up.
Here is the first quilt. It is called "Behind the Old Adobe Wall". It is that old secret garden concept. The lizard is painted on the wall and the door is textured with stitching and colored with oil pastels to get an aged look. The basic quilt was created using landscape quilt techniques.
The second quilt was layered and stitched on the longarm then the embellishments were added after binding the quilt. It is titled, "A Study in Texture".
Well, hopefully I will get the hang of this blog editing my photos before importing them! Live and learn.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Art Quilts

The local art group is having a show later this month and I am in the process of preparing some entries. In the past, quilters were not welcome in this show, however this year the group agreed quilts would be accepted as long as the quilts measured 12" square. Needless to say, none of the group are familiar with anything other than bed quilts plus they do not realize that the size limit on quilts is very restrictive when compared to the other media represented at the show. Enough said, when I am told "no" or given very specific limits, I jump in to beat them at their own game. I designed two small, mixed media quilts for my entries into the art show. They each have had their own unique challenges. My designs ideas are sometimes easier to visualize than to achieve. For the first quilt, I had to be able to draw my concept...well, drawing is a challenge that I am attempting to overcome. So it took several attempts before I acheived a drawing that expressed my design concept. Then I had this wonderful idea to both piece and quilt the project on the longarm machine. Now that was enlightening and fun. The second quilt was inspired by a quilt artist I happened to see on a quilting show on PBS. I took her concept and ran with it. This, too, I decided to quilt and assemble using the longarm machine. Besides fabric, I used a used Color Catcher sheet in the quilt as well as copper wire and beads and cheese cloth. It was very enjoyable putting the different items together to create a finished composition.