
At the computer

Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, that was a mistake. I accidentally published the blog before I added my photos. So here goes, let's see if I can add my photos without another goof up.
Here is the first quilt. It is called "Behind the Old Adobe Wall". It is that old secret garden concept. The lizard is painted on the wall and the door is textured with stitching and colored with oil pastels to get an aged look. The basic quilt was created using landscape quilt techniques.
The second quilt was layered and stitched on the longarm then the embellishments were added after binding the quilt. It is titled, "A Study in Texture".
Well, hopefully I will get the hang of this blog editing my photos before importing them! Live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. My first visit to your blog and I love it! Found you via zentangle quilts on facebook. Also sent you a friend request. Love your profile pic. I think I also assume that particular pose when blog reading.
